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Kunshan Mingcheng Medical Packaging Co., Ltd.

Contact: Wang Jianping

Mobile: 13962678886



Add: No.904 South Qinfeng Road, Qiandeng Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou

How to ensure health and safety of medical packaging paper?

2024-07-18 13:50:09

Medical packaging paper is an important supporting material for medical device products, and its quality and health safety are directly related to the health of patients and the work safety of medical staff. In order to ensure health and safety, medical packaging paper needs to have the following important characteristics:

First of all, medical packaging paper needs to choose raw materials that meet the requirements of national standards and relevant regulations for medical devices. When selecting raw materials, waste paper or recycled paper containing toxic and harmful substances should be avoided as far as possible to ensure the health and safety of the paper. At the same time, paper raw materials that have been treated, sterilized and sterilized should be selected to ensure that the quality of the product meets medical device standards.

Secondly, medical packaging paper should be produced in strict accordance with health standards during the production process. The manufacturer should establish a sound production process and quality control system, strengthen the inspection and procurement management of raw materials, strictly control the hygienic environment and operation process in the production process, and ensure that the product is not polluted by bacteria, mold and other pollutants. At the same time, production equipment and production workshops should be regularly inspected and cleaned to ensure the health and safety of products.


Third, medical packaging paper needs to have certain physical properties and packaging properties. Medical packaging paper generally needs to have a certain strength and rupture resistance value to ensure that the product is not easily damaged during packaging, transportation and use. At the same time, medical packaging paper needs to have certain antibacterial properties and wet strength properties to ensure that the product can maintain health and safety under certain environmental conditions.

In addition, the medical packaging paper needs to be strictly inspected and packaged during the packaging process. In the process of packaging, the product should be inspected in batches to ensure that the quality of the product meets the requirements. At the same time, the packaging materials that meet the hygiene standards and medical device packaging requirements should be used, and the packaging standards and packaging operation process should be strictly implemented to ensure that the products are not contaminated by the outside world during the packaging process.

In summary, in the process of ensuring health and safety, medical packaging paper needs to pay attention to the selection of raw materials, the management of the production process, the physical properties of the product and the packaging performance, as well as the inspection and packaging of the packaging process. Only by fully grasping these aspects can we effectively ensure the health and safety of medical packaging paper and ensure that the product will not pose a threat to the health of patients and medical personnel during the production and use of medical devices.

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Contact: Wang Jianping

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Add: No.904 South Qinfeng Road, Qiandeng Town, Kunshan City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province

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